PhD – Mechanics - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1976
MS – Engineering - Brown University, Providence, RI, 1969
BS – Mechanical Engineering - University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1967
Courses Taught
MENG304 - Advanced Strength of Materials
ES302 - Mechanics of Materials
MENG381/382 - Junior Design Clinic
MENG481/482 - Senior Design Clinic
MENG485 – Advanced Design Clinic
EMGT506 - Managing Technology Resources
EMGT572 - Engineering Statistics
MENG504 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Zagrai, A, Ostergren, WJ, Borden, LT, Zeman, S, “Focused Learning Strategy and Advanced
Technologies Facilitating Competitiveness of Science, Technology and Engineering Professionals
with Disabilities” Presentation at breakout session of 2010 Southwest Conference on
Disability, 6-8 October 2010, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Jarvis, MS, Ostergren, WJ, and Smith, B., "The Applicability of Electrically Driven
Accessories for Turboshaft Engines", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines
and Power, April 1995, p. 221.
Peterson, LG; Hrencecin, DE; Schilling, WF and Ostergren, WJ, “Development of Hybrid
Gas Turbine Technology”, Gas Turbine Division ASME, 1982.
Wood, JH; Farrell, TR; Beltran, AM; Schilling, WF and Ostergren, WJ, “Development
of Diffusion Bonded Claddings for Large Gas Turbine Applications”, EPRI Conference,
Institutional Activities
ASME Academic Advisor.
Advisory Board Member for Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (2011).
Member of Space Utilization Committee selected by Faculty Senate (2007-2010).
Member of Distance Education Committee selected by Faculty Senate (2007-2009).
Member of Masters in Teaching Committee selected by Faculty Senate
Member of Distinguished Teaching Award selection committee (2008-2009).
Co-op advisor for students at GE and Intel.
Invited speaker at inaugural Graduate Student Association Workshop, "Successfully
Transitioning From School to the Workplace".
Participant in Exploration Day and Research at Tech Day presentations and tours.
Search committee member for open positions in Mechanical Engineering, Management and